How did you feel when you woke up this morning?
Don’t hold back. Truth time. How did you feel?
Me...I’d say 7.5 out of 10. My nose was clogged, my eyes were puffy, my mind was a bit foggy, my spirit was dull. I didn’t want to get out of bed. Why?
I’m embarrassed to say. But I’ll be honest. I drank one or 2 or 3 too many glasses of wine, ate dinner at 8:00 pm...2 hours later than usual and I pushed my physical limits a bit too far...damn that Fitbit goal!
Sound like a confessional? It is. This indulgent routine has been going on for about a week. I’ve fallen backwards into an old, outdated rhythm. And it’s not a happy rhythm.
I know better. I mean I’m a health coach for Pete’s sake! But I’m human. I’m not perfect. I’ve never claimed, nor will I ever, abstinence from drinking wine, eating after 6 pm, or intense physical activity.
I know better. If only I had more will power. But sometimes knowledge and will power don’t translate into “right” action. The strength of an old pattern can crush intellect and motivation in a split second.
So what will it take for me to connect with a happy rhythm? I can see that I have choices.
Today I have choices.
- I choose to keep humming that discontented rhythm and say I’ll start fresh next week.
- I choose to criticize myself for slipping out of a healthy groove and feel even worse.
- I choose to care for myself and make time to nourish, move, rest, connect and soothe.
Which option would you pick? I’m going with the last one. Today.
Everyday we make many choices that influence how we feel. In the moment, the next day or years later. Do you want to feel stuffed up, disconnected, unfocused, low on energy? Me neither.
It’s not always easy to make the “right” choices. But it doesn’t have to be as hard as we make it, either. Another confession...that’s my default- making things harder than they need to be.
You can start with a simple choice to say: “I choose to care for myself”. Sure, there are many ways to care for yourself. That’s what my self-care program is all about. But no need to get overwhelmed with options now. We can explore those another day.
Keep it simple. When potent choice points pop up and... you know what those are, simply express: “I choose to care for myself”. See what happens. I bet you’ll be surprised how this simple expression translates into acts of self-care.
I believe that everyone deserves to be cared for. AND it starts with caring for yourself.
I believe in you.
I want to inspire you to care of yourself.
Are you ready to live a more Sensational Expressive and Engaged life?
It’s time for you to S.E.E. Your Wellbeing.
Let’s connect.
Apply for a FREE coaching session today!
Together we will explore:
WHY you want to change
HOW you can get started right away &
WHAT you will experience as you prioritize your self-care.
In Support of Your Vibrant Wellbeing,